Blog (page 8)

Maven Dependencies for Amazon AWS API in Java

To quickly set up your Maven project, include the following bill of materials (BOM) within the block within your pom.xml file. This will make it so you don’t need to worry about the version numbers or compatibility of the different libraries. The provided version number is dynamically updated from Maven Central Now you can selectively include …

Java ServerSocketChannel Example in NIO

The following example is a simple socket server which will handle incoming socket connections and provides a basic implementations in which you can interact with clients like send messages and read incoming data. With a little work, this could become a chat room, multiplayer game server, or something even bigger! The following is a simple …

AWS S3 Select API Java Example

The following is an example of how to perform an S3 Select query via SQL against an S3 bucket. AWS S3 Select Maven Pom.xml S3 Select Java Example Change the following bucket name, directory name, and search query parameters to match your needs.

Spring Boot Starters

Spring Boot application starters are provided by the Spring project and offer a number of pre-defined configurations for integrating your application with a variety of different technologies. Depending on what functionality your application requires, you may need a different starter. This page outlines the most common dependencies and the respective Maven pom.xml snippets you will …

Spring Boot SAML2 - How to skip the select an identity provider page

With Spring Security 5.2’s new SAML2 library, you may want users to be redirected past the identity provider selection page - specifically if there is only one identity provider configured in your application. If you want to skip the IDP (identity provider) selection page in Spring Boot, you will need to add a filter in …

How to install a Docker image without network access

In some situations, you may have a server that may be behind a corporate firewall or doesn’t have the correct proxy configuration needed to download the requisite files from Docker Hub in order to build your Docker image. To solve this, you have to options: Correct the proxy configuration settings and open the firewall to allow …